Find out how best to get to the circuit, what to look out for along the way, and all the other rules and tips to make your race weekend as stress-free and comfortable as possible.
The address of the Brno Circuit is:
Masarykův okruh 201, 664 81 Ostrovačice, the Czech Republic
The speed limit in urban areas is 50 km/h (31 mph), while on motorways it is 130 km/h (81 mph). The Czech Republic enforces a zero-tolerance policy on alcohol consumption for drivers, with a legal blood alcohol limit of 0.0%.
An overview of the traffic rules in Czechia can be found here.
If you're travelling to the Czech Republic for the MotoGP in Brno, there are several nearby towns where you can find accommodation. In Brno, which is close to the Brno Circuit, you can choose from a variety of options, ranging from luxury hotels to budget hostels. You can also stay at the campsite. For more information on accommodation, click here.
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